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(02-26-2011, 06:57 PM)Mstrpr626 Wrote:
(02-26-2011, 06:35 PM)mattynokes Wrote: I'm against re-alignment. I think too many people are impatient with rebuilds and expect instant results. I like keeping the divisions as they really are. In time if you rebuild correctly things will cycle itself out.

Tell that to the Pirates, Reds, Cards, Twins and more......

I stopped reading after this. If anyone is in outtahere baseball, I took over a Ceveland team that was horrible. 5 seasons later they should be well on their way to winning 85+ games this year.(I'm going up against the perennial powerhouse in Baltimore and a tough Toronto team)

I'm confident that w/ a few seasons I can have the same result w/ Oakland but I'm also confident that if these teams that are constantly losing need someone to stick w/ them I'm all for giving up a hopeful future w/ Oakland to take one of these loser.
Oakland A's
(18 seasons)
4 AL West titles
2 ALDS Series appearance
1 WS appearance
(02-27-2011, 12:43 AM)Mstrpr626 Wrote:
(02-27-2011, 12:13 AM)Jordan Wrote:
(02-26-2011, 08:09 PM)Mstrpr626 Wrote:
(02-26-2011, 07:48 PM)danpac47 Wrote:
(02-26-2011, 05:55 PM)GoIrish Wrote: A few of the admins have been approached with a concern that some owners are feeling like no matter what they do, they just cannot win. The fear here, is that owners will get discouraged and go elsewhere, lose interest or just stop playing all together.

this is FIRST CLASS MOGUL. If you feel you cannot win, you don't belong here and should leave anyway.

Or another option could be, leaving your current team because of "inactivity" and getting another team when it opens.
Prime example: Mstrpr who could not handle the AL east, giving up his Orioles for the Phillies.

Yea thanks for calling me a liar. My Regents scores look much better than what they would've had I continued to play mogul at the rate I was playing. I put many days of hard work into that Orioles team and you can't tell me otherwise....the time period I left was a time period of low activity because people had a lot more important stuff to do. The time I came back compared to when the Orioles were taken does look shady, but the most I have the power to do is tell you I had been studying my ass off everyday, taking 3 tutor classes in the final 3 weeks leading up to the regents in order to pass with the score I wanted. The Orioles were not my team, I was the Co-GM to Gmoney until I proved to Scott I could be committed enough and the fact that I did such a good job kind of trapped me with them IMO. Oh, and not to mention my internet was cut off until the very day I returned. I'm sorry is your feel some sort of way about how I returned. That's all I can do about that situation.

I thought danpac was joking.

U said that you wanted the Orioles when you came back too and you were not sure if you would want a different team.

And when I went on the waiting list I had no idea what team would open that I would take responsibility of. It could have been any wack-job team. I didn't take offense to what he said, just felt like I had to give an explanation for what he said and what others might think.

You ARE offended, lol. Otherwise, I wouldn't need an essay of an explanation. But anyway, if that's what you think, so be it. I'm just pointing out the fact that if you're getting mad that you can't win, but still want to be here - get another team as evidence of the Orioles losing season just a year ago.
(02-27-2011, 03:34 AM)danpac47 Wrote:
(02-27-2011, 12:43 AM)Mstrpr626 Wrote:
(02-27-2011, 12:13 AM)Jordan Wrote:
(02-26-2011, 08:09 PM)Mstrpr626 Wrote:
(02-26-2011, 07:48 PM)danpac47 Wrote:
(02-26-2011, 05:55 PM)GoIrish Wrote: A few of the admins have been approached with a concern that some owners are feeling like no matter what they do, they just cannot win. The fear here, is that owners will get discouraged and go elsewhere, lose interest or just stop playing all together.

this is FIRST CLASS MOGUL. If you feel you cannot win, you don't belong here and should leave anyway.

Or another option could be, leaving your current team because of "inactivity" and getting another team when it opens.
Prime example: Mstrpr who could not handle the AL east, giving up his Orioles for the Phillies.

Yea thanks for calling me a liar. My Regents scores look much better than what they would've had I continued to play mogul at the rate I was playing. I put many days of hard work into that Orioles team and you can't tell me otherwise....the time period I left was a time period of low activity because people had a lot more important stuff to do. The time I came back compared to when the Orioles were taken does look shady, but the most I have the power to do is tell you I had been studying my ass off everyday, taking 3 tutor classes in the final 3 weeks leading up to the regents in order to pass with the score I wanted. The Orioles were not my team, I was the Co-GM to Gmoney until I proved to Scott I could be committed enough and the fact that I did such a good job kind of trapped me with them IMO. Oh, and not to mention my internet was cut off until the very day I returned. I'm sorry is your feel some sort of way about how I returned. That's all I can do about that situation.

I thought danpac was joking.

U said that you wanted the Orioles when you came back too and you were not sure if you would want a different team.

And when I went on the waiting list I had no idea what team would open that I would take responsibility of. It could have been any wack-job team. I didn't take offense to what he said, just felt like I had to give an explanation for what he said and what others might think.

You ARE offended, lol. Otherwise, I wouldn't need an essay of an explanation. But anyway, if that's what you think, so be it. I'm just pointing out the fact that if you're getting mad that you can't win, but still want to be here - get another team as evidence of the Orioles losing season just a year ago.

Well I don't believe I ever put out a sim for the 2016 season for the Orioles. I'm not offended, maybe just a little sad we had to have this conversation in a thread. Your a good GM and I'd always vouch for you.
I THINK we need to figure the finances out so those tems that are struggling can afford to keep their good players and not keep letting them go to FA. Look at CLE for example. Its been almost 10 years, and my payroll budget has stayed the same, if not gone down. At the current spot we are at, 16 teams can afford payroll over 100M, and 4 teams atill have a payroll budget under 80M.

With a payroll budget under 80M, and some stars asking 20-25M a season, how are the smaller teams to survive without going into a rebuild mode every 5 seasons because they hit that financial brick wall?

I can deal with this, but you have to agree, this is a problem. I can win 72 games with a $64.8M payroll, while the Yanks are at 80 wins with $237M in payroll. THAT IS THE PROBLEM, NOT DIVISION ALIGNMENT.
Talk to Mike about it he's done well, in your division while signing a 20M palyer in King Felix.

Furthermore we have no budgets below 60M, and in reality the Yankee's probably have enough revenue to support a 300M payroll but we don't have a luxury tax so 207 with revenue sharing seems appropriate. Additionally your revenue is growing every season (from having a 500 or better record pretty much every year) and you're getting around 10M a year in revenue sharing. If you include the revenue sharing directly in your budget it goes to 86-87M about the highest payroll a successful CLE franchise could support IMO. What's unrealistic about any of that?
Houston Astros - 2012/2016/2023/2025 Champs!
Cumulative Record: 1894 - 1184 (.615%)
If you keep enough cash on hand, then it offsets having a small budget. Sure you will drop some cash, but if I remember correctly in the chatbox in the draft you were willing to dish out $20+ mil for first rounder. You have $51 million cash right now, you could actually have a payroll around $100 million or 90's at least. The part that hurts is if you're budget is $120 million, you have payroll of $170 million and only $10 mil cash. Now that shit can rip you apart. Basically just keep you're cash, and you can exceed that budget in future by a good bit. Also you need to tinker with you're tickets as well. You are averaging only 22,850 to the games and the stadium holds 43,545 people. So that is def something to look into. You have solid fan loyalty too, no reason to not bring in more people and receive more cash. Tinker with a few things, and keep cash in hand and you are more than fine for future.
I'm a big fan of revenue sharing and equalized spending, but I am opposed to equalized budgets or anything even remotely close to that solution.

I think our set-up is fine. If we can get the FA idiots to stop paying 30M per season contracts - the agent offers will go down.
We did this in TPSL back in the day. Ir worked out well and opened up the parity. Our plan was to re-align every 10 seasons, but the league ended in the 18th season before we could do it the 2nd time.

We used a formula of market size plus current state of the team to set the alignment. Just happened that all but 2 divisions worked out geography wise.
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