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2014 Switch
Alright, so a lot of chatter about this but I've talked with a few people and there seems to be some consensus that we all just want to be done with all the problems of Mogul 13.

There is a patch for 14 coming soon (patch 10) that is supposedly going to have significant improvements to the game at a number of levels. So we'll hold out a bit to see how it looks following that, but even still, many of us figure that any problems in '14 are likely to be more manageable and less annoying than what we deal with now.

We'll have improved defensive versatility fixed for sure, arm issues likely fixed, and hopefully better draft balance.

So, with all that said, we are not likely to test '14 heavily because it sims slowly and this will be a bad time for many of us to work on that. So, should we just switch after patch 10 is released and we are starting our 2039 season?

Any concerns or thoughts?
World Champion 2018, 2021, 2026, 2030, 2035, 2037, 2039
AL Champion 12 times
FCM Best Record-Holder - 121-41 2028
Overall Record: 3530-1978 .641%
I'm all for a switch to BM14 when its semi stable. Individual strategies are a long time coming.
if there isnt going to be any testing done, i dont see the value of waiting and that we should then jump both feet in when .10 comes out
World Champs: 2071, 2106, 2108
Please disregard Peter's post, it's irrelevant. Midseason switches are not an option, an explanation should not be necessary for all with functioning brain stems.

World Champion 2018, 2021, 2026, 2030, 2035, 2037, 2039
AL Champion 12 times
FCM Best Record-Holder - 121-41 2028
Overall Record: 3530-1978 .641%
I'd be fine with the switch then. Seems like we would have a few other changes going into that season anyway, so it'd help with the switch.
Mil 2107-Current

ARI2 2033-2069; 2083-2106

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I'm all for the change, I have both and 14 is soooo much better, in '13 when I close the file and reopen my player drops from a 92 at 2B to an 82, the ratings fluctuate so much, individual strategies are good as well, only bugs in '14 (16.09) are slow sim time and some other minor bugs that are all PBP so it won't matter.
Sim time was supposed to be fixed in patch 16.09 but all in all, yes switch.
Well I'd like to wait to get the best version we can with 16.10, but I think we're going forward knowing there are risks. But thinking the risks can't outweigh our current issues with 13.
World Champion 2018, 2021, 2026, 2030, 2035, 2037, 2039
AL Champion 12 times
FCM Best Record-Holder - 121-41 2028
Overall Record: 3530-1978 .641%
Sounds good to me. Whenever you guys want to do it, I'm cool with that.
Los Angeles Dodgers GM
and what about those who do not have '14?
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