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I think some of the ideas are starting to shape up as a "yes" or a "no". Here's a recap of what I feel has happened. Like I said I'm not hurt by some of the dislikes nor do I have an agenda. So far this has created some good discussion and that's always a plus.

Leadoff Hitter to Star Player:
Nothing against it.

Agent Players to 88 Overall:

Incentive Laden Contracts:
Apparently already a part of the agent process, which is cool.

Vesting Options:
See above category.

6th Year Arbitration:
This hasn't really gotten a lot of talk and is actually one of the suggestions that I feel is very easy to implement and very fair to both the teams and players. Below is how I would write up the official rule and for reference sake as to the reasoning, see the opening post.

Players with 5 years, 0 days or more of Service Time, but no more than 5 years, 171 days of Service Time and show to be up for Free Agency can go through arbitration for a 3rd time at the GM's desire. Their new salary is calculated manually and below is how to calculate it:

Position Player = Previous OPS / Current OPS x (Previous Salary x 1.25)
Pitchers = Previous ERA / Current ERA x (Previous Salary x 1.25)

Draftee Signing Bonuses:
This is one that's had some support and a lot of dislikes, but I'm still not sold that it's dead just yet. No one has really contested that it isn't realistic. The best reasoning for disliking it has been CHC, in my opinion. There's a lot of valid points there.

To basically recap a response to those concerns I would say real life is completely different as there's outside reasons for the signing bonuses. In Mogul, it's baseball and only baseball. The real draft is also 50 rounds long while ours is 6 rounds. That makes each round in Mogul worth 8-9 rounds in the real world. There's not much talk about signing bonuses in the later rounds, mostly because most draftees don't sign after the 15th round unless a senior in college.

I think it could be strictly limited to 1st round draftees and any agent players that remain in the 2nd round. I understand fully that it's another obstacle for small market teams, but it's not to the point where it kills the team. We'd be talking $4-1M usually and I think Boras would maybe have a 25% increase normally. So that #1 pick at most would cost $5M (unless they're super stud). I say 3 draftees for Boras and 3 draftees for McInnis (6 players total). There's an estimated bonus for the 2010 draft here and I think players could follow those guidelines.

Cleveland Record5631-4946 (.532) [2054-2071, 2083-2104, 2110-2135]
AL Post: 16 (ALC), 11 (WC) - ALDS Win: 12 - ALCS Champ: 7 - WS Champ: 4

ALW: Mariners + Angels Record: 1072-864 (.554) [2042-2048, 2105-2110]
AL Post: 3 (ALW), 4 (WC) - ALDS Win: 3 - ALCS Champ: 1 - WS Champ: 1

NLW: Rockies + Padres Record: 3230-2753 (.540) [2017-2042, 2072-2082]
NL Post: 18 (NLW), 4 (WC) - NLDS Win: 7 - NLCS Champ: 4 - WS Champ: 0
Its not that we couldnt afford the money. But I think its a dumb rule the MLB has that just handicaps teams for no reason.
Just to weigh in on the draftee signing bonus thing....

It's a very realistic idea and I don't think it has any significant downsides, but where is the upside to justify the work it would take?

Great idea, just doesn't add enough to warrant the work to make it happen in my opinion.
other than a cash sink, I don't know what signing bonuses would accomplish.
Cubs GM 2010-2021
2017 & 2019 World Champions
LAA GM 2022-2035
2028, 2029, 2032 and 2034 World Champions
I think it would make the draft a bit more interesting and drive discussion/blogs/radio shows, but the benefits are mostly superficial or intrinsic. So unless you're nerdy or get distracted by sparkles it's probably not bringing much to the table. (Both apply to me, so I fully support this idea!)
Houston Astros - 2012/2016/2023/2025 Champs!
Cumulative Record: 1894 - 1184 (.615%)
and what if a deal can't be made with a player, like would be become a FA or go back into the draft next season...like I just don't see any upside with bonuses for anything other then follow the MLB which I think it's a stupid rule anyways, the draft for sucky teams is sometimes the only happy time for them during the season so why do we make it harder for sucky teams to get better and make more work during the draft with negotiating contracts before, during and after, this just seems like a lot of work for everyone, like i dunno how it would work, would we get 30 mins during the pick to negotiate with these players to make sure we can sign them? hahaha
I think enough reasons for not having bonuses have now been put up, so I guess the only thing left to discuss is leadoff man to star player qualifications as I put up a separate thread for the arbitration stuff.

Cleveland Record5631-4946 (.532) [2054-2071, 2083-2104, 2110-2135]
AL Post: 16 (ALC), 11 (WC) - ALDS Win: 12 - ALCS Champ: 7 - WS Champ: 4

ALW: Mariners + Angels Record: 1072-864 (.554) [2042-2048, 2105-2110]
AL Post: 3 (ALW), 4 (WC) - ALDS Win: 3 - ALCS Champ: 1 - WS Champ: 1

NLW: Rockies + Padres Record: 3230-2753 (.540) [2017-2042, 2072-2082]
NL Post: 18 (NLW), 4 (WC) - NLDS Win: 7 - NLCS Champ: 4 - WS Champ: 0
(02-08-2011, 05:41 PM)mattynokes Wrote: I think enough reasons for not having bonuses have now been put up, so I guess the only thing left to discuss is leadoff man to star player qualifications as I put up a separate thread for the arbitration stuff.

I see that rule sticking. Wouldn't go into effect until the off-season though, but I love the idea. Great suggestion.
yeah i def agree with the leadoff hitter being a star, no reason why hitting leadoff shouldn't be a huge plus for a player just like a middle of the lineup player
Im unclear what you mean when you say move the leadoff hitter to star player? Like any leadoff hitter then has to have an agent to re-sign? If thats teh case then i strongly disagree as not every eladoff hitter is all that special.
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