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2081-2117 GM Rankings
14.  Percy


GM Score: 49
Average: 1.485
2670-2677 (.499)
1 League Championship
7 Division Titles
3 Wildcards
18 Winning Seasons
15 Losing Seasons

Our dear friend Percivert was competitive almost year in and year out.  Missing out on one more solid season to get his complete record over .500.  He took the Padres to the series once in his time, but couldn't replicate the feat.  Very solid competitor who drafted a little against the grain, but seemed to come out quite nicely.  His Padre teams were usually in the hunt, and while he didn't have any of the high end winning seasons that put you over the top he was consistently above .500.

13. High Heat

Bal Min Fla

GM Score: 50
Average: 1.351
2923-3077 (.487)
1 World Series Title
1 League Championship
6 Division Titles
5 Wildcards
16 Winning Seasons
20 Losing Seasons
1 100 Win Season
4 100 Loss Seasons

How quickly we may have forgot that High Heat was a pretty dominating force during a run in Baltimore and then a transition over to Minnesota.  His first 19 seasons during my time here were flat out strong.  Obviously some health issues then took center stage and the guy has flat out been playing the game through everything he is going through.  It's been awesome to see him stay involved.  It does appear it took some of it out of him however, as his time in Florida hasn't been nearly productive as his previous time in the league and the last 18 seasons have been pretty meh overall.  Generally not a huge tanker, he does have back to back 100 loss seasons twice during his rebuilds.  One of those in Baltimore and one in Florida that never got off the ground.  But he holds a world series title and was in back to back world series games.

12. MidMissourians


GM Score: 66
Average: 1.784
3058-2940 (.510)
2 League Championships
7 Division Titles
8 Wildcards
21 Winning Seasons
16 Losing Seasons
2 100 Win Seasons
2 100 Loss Seasons

It's me, not going to say much.  I learned a lot during the early formative years.  Have grown to a better mogul player for having been in this league.
Philadelphia Phillies 2082-Current
Record 4534-4056 (.528)
Division Titles (13, '88-'89, '91, '05, '15-'17, '26, '28-'29, '31-'33)
Playoff Appearances (23, '87-'91, '96, '98, '01-'03, '05, '10, '15-'18, '26, '28-'33)
NL Championship (5, 2089, 2096, 2131-33)
World Championship (2, 2131, 2133)

2018 FCM Fantasy Football League Winner
2019 FCM Fantasy Football 3rd Place Winner
2020 FCM Fantasy Football Guillotine League Winner
11. sxr007


GM Score: 73
Average: 1.973
3042-2956 (.507)
3 League Championships
8 Division Titles
6 Wildcards
24 Winning Seasons
12 Losing Seasons
1 100 Win Season
4 100 Loss Seasons

Sxr007 has been a quality GM, although one can argue he doesn't hit enough home runs (100 win seasons) for the time he spends losing 100 games.  He made it to three world series during this run, but hasn't been able to pull the feat off.  Winning seasons twice as often as losing seasons is quite nice.  Sxr is a quality drafter, finding some later round hits that have really helped propel his teams.

10.  Texas Tornado


GM Score: 86
Average: 2.324
2978-3016 (.497)
4 League Championships
13 Division Titles
2 Wildcards 
19 Winning Seasons
18 Losing Seasons
3 100 Win Seasons
5 100 Loss Seasons

TT doesn't waste his time with Wildcard type seasons.  Looks more like a tanker dejour.  With that stated he doesn't have the 100 loss seasons that a few others have, so it doesn't appear he makes tanking his ultimate goal, but it's clear during his down time he doesn't try to win.  During his up times though he does well, 19 winning seasons with 13 division titles show when he goes for it, he goes for it.  Only twice has he taken the wildcard out of 37 seasons.  Still toiling under .500 his team looks poised to make a run soon, which should propel him above .500 before his next set of rebuilding.

9.  Fred


GM Score: 105
Average: 2.838
2989-3008 (.498)
3 World Series Titles
1 League Championship
10 Division Titles
5 Wildcards
18 Winning Seasons
19 Losing Seasons
3 100 Win Seasons
5 100 Loss Seasons

One out of every five post-season berths resulted in a world series title for the Fred Sox.  Fred goes about his business fairly quietly, but when his teams are good, they are clearly good.  As hokey pointed out, Fred has some serious bad times, which didn't stand out in my mind, maybe because it's the AL East and I just don't care, or maybe because they don't seem to have real extended down runs.  Fred also is one of those guys whose teams I always look at and think nothing special there, before winning 100 games and winning the division.  Fred's first round drafting ability is always pretty stellar and maybe no one maximizes free agency quite like the Fred Sox.
Philadelphia Phillies 2082-Current
Record 4534-4056 (.528)
Division Titles (13, '88-'89, '91, '05, '15-'17, '26, '28-'29, '31-'33)
Playoff Appearances (23, '87-'91, '96, '98, '01-'03, '05, '10, '15-'18, '26, '28-'33)
NL Championship (5, 2089, 2096, 2131-33)
World Championship (2, 2131, 2133)

2018 FCM Fantasy Football League Winner
2019 FCM Fantasy Football 3rd Place Winner
2020 FCM Fantasy Football Guillotine League Winner
8. Rhendricks

Ari Mil

GM Score: 108
Average: 3.000
2944-2888 (.505)
3 World Series Titles
3 League Championships
9 Division Titles
3 Wildcards
16 Winning Seasons
17 Losing Seasons
6 100 Win Seasons
7 100 Loss Seasons

Opportunity or skill? There is no doubt a lot of the success Ross has had came immediately after taking over a couple storied franchises.  With that stated, there is credit to putting it all together.  His latest rebuild is all his and his team is putting it all together, including a world series appearance.  Can definitely put the tank word into effect with 7 100 loss seasons, tied for third most on the list.  It's going to be interesting to see just how far this current build goes.

7. GeauxBlue

Det Pit Sdp

GM Score: 124
Average: 4.429
2491-2047 (.549)
2 World Series Titles
4 League Championships
6 Division Titles
9 Wildcards
23 Winning Seasons
5 Losing Seasons
5 100 Win Seasons
1 100 Loss Seasons

The number is 5 losing seasons in 28 seasons of competing.  There is only one GM on this list who can tout something more impressive.  GB is an absolute testament to wanting to win all the time.  He wants to do it, and he does it.  No rebuilding here.  He was snake bitten going to several series before finally breaking through with a couple titles in Detroit in this run.  Went to Pittsburgh during the whole Pitt transition phase, but didn't stay long enough to get the status quo build done.  Now back in San Diego, as long as we can keep his interest, it's certain they'll be dominating the West before long.  GB's average is third best in the league, it's very likely if he didn't leave Detroit he'd be top 3 on this list.

6. Stang


GM Score: 133
Average: 3.595
3044-2953 (.508)
3 World Series Titles
4 League Championships
11 Division Titles
5 Wildcards
18 Winning Seasons
17 Losing Seasons
6 100 Win Seasons
5 100 Loss Seasons

Stang is the Rodney Dangerfield of my mind.  Before this exercise I just never gave the guy the respect he deserves.  That run in the middle of this range is truly amazing.  7 Division titles, plus a wildcard in 8 straight seasons.  A world series win and 4 trips there in 5 years was quite a feat.  He definitely is in that crowd of tearing it all down to the studs when he's done, but he really does get a lot out of the pieces he deals away as well.  Doing this exercise increased my appreciation for what Stang has done, especially with me considering this division very difficult.
Philadelphia Phillies 2082-Current
Record 4534-4056 (.528)
Division Titles (13, '88-'89, '91, '05, '15-'17, '26, '28-'29, '31-'33)
Playoff Appearances (23, '87-'91, '96, '98, '01-'03, '05, '10, '15-'18, '26, '28-'33)
NL Championship (5, 2089, 2096, 2131-33)
World Championship (2, 2131, 2133)

2018 FCM Fantasy Football League Winner
2019 FCM Fantasy Football 3rd Place Winner
2020 FCM Fantasy Football Guillotine League Winner
5.  Jmaine

Mil Pit Bal

GM Score: 141
Average: 3.810
3111-2885 (.519)
4 World Series Titles
1 League Championship
9 Division Titles
7 Wildcards
22 Winning Seasons
13 Losing Seasons
7 100 Win Seasons
3 100 Loss Seasons

Flat out dominating in Milwaukee, not nearly as successful in Pittsburgh, and pretty strong in Baltimore.  Winning 4 out of the 5 World Series he made in this window is really impressive.  Although the 7 100 win seasons are equally as impressive.  Jmaine showed his mettle and it'd be hard to argue against his top GM status during my time here.  Again switching teams took him time to rebuild and didn't take any ready made teams after leaving Baltimore.  He generally drafts top notch, although his time has been a little lack the past few seasons, so we'll see how the next few years play out.

4. Mascotics

Min Pit Nyy

GM Score: 142
Average: 4.438
2761-2424 (.532)
4 World Series Titles
10 Division Titles
7 Wildcards
22 Winning Seasons
10 Losing Seasons
5 100 Win Seasons
2 100 Loss Seasons

Put your feelings for Mascotics aside and he sure knows how to pick his spots.  He gets a lot of grief, but he knows how to throw all in and keep his team winning.  There is plenty of talk about him picking his spots, following the builds of others, but he definitely takes his chips he is laid with and throws them all in to build dominating teams.  Undefeated in the world series in this window is pretty dang impressive also.  Over 2/3 seasons are winning seasons and both of his major winning streaks are in two of the most impressive division in FCM over this time.  He didn't really do anything or stay in Pittsburgh, maybe he knew the writing on the wall, or maybe he just wanted New York.

3. Peter


GM Score: 161
Average: 4.351
3390-2608 (.565)
2 World Series Titles
4 League Championships
7 Division Titles
17 Wildcards
33 Winning Seasons
3 Losing Seasons
6 100 Win Seasons

There are so many impressive accolades here.  I think the most impressive is that in 37 seasons of play, Peter has 33 winning seasons.  He has 6 100 win seasons without a single 100 loss season.  He made the world series 6 times in this window.  The only knock is he potentially has less division titles than the rest of the group.  This resume is as impressive as any in the game, as really are any in the top 5.  His .565 win percentage is also tied for the highest in the league during this time.  Peter never rebuilds, and he does it by drafting players who fall for some reason without asking why are they falling, instead he just makes them great again.
Philadelphia Phillies 2082-Current
Record 4534-4056 (.528)
Division Titles (13, '88-'89, '91, '05, '15-'17, '26, '28-'29, '31-'33)
Playoff Appearances (23, '87-'91, '96, '98, '01-'03, '05, '10, '15-'18, '26, '28-'33)
NL Championship (5, 2089, 2096, 2131-33)
World Championship (2, 2131, 2133)

2018 FCM Fantasy Football League Winner
2019 FCM Fantasy Football 3rd Place Winner
2020 FCM Fantasy Football Guillotine League Winner
2.  E-Rick

Nyy  Det

GM Score: 168
Average: 4.541
3376-2612 (.563)
2 World Series Titles
2 League Championships
13 Division Titles
12 Wildcards
30 Winning Seasons
7 Losing Season
9 100 Win Season
1 100 Loss Season

Rick sure knows how to stay competitive.  Every single year he's competing for the division title.  He's very similar in play nature to GB who he took over for in Detroit after a very successful run with the Yankees.  He gets the absolute most out of almost every player and has a real knack for trading for players who continue to excel for a long time.  He doesn't draft that often, especially when picking towards the bottom, instead using lower picks to garnish talent to keep his team winning.  It's been an impressive haul and done in two of the more difficult divisions in FCM.  Not a lot I can knock about the performance he put together.   He's second in overall and second in average.  Legit second overall here.

1. Mzylinski

Sea Pit

GM Score: 221
Average: 5.973
3383-2609 (.565)
4 World Series Titles
2 League Championships
21 Division Titles
4 Wildcards
29 Winning Seasons
7 Losing Seasons
9 100 Win Seasons
1 100 Loss Season

There is plenty to say about mzy.  The argument that he did most of his work in the absolute weakest division in FCM is legit.  His move to Pittsburgh is taking it up a notch.  If he turns that team into a powerhouse similar to Seattle it will lay even more work to his impressive resume.  That run in Seattle was borderline ridiculous and the World Series titles did cement it as a great team build, even with the questionable rest of the AL West.  He's close in Pittsburgh, but he has some more strong competition there, so we'll see how it gets off the ground.  Overall tied with Mascostics and JMaine for most WS Titles in this window, far and away the most division titles, and is third in winning seasons.  It is an impressive resume.
Philadelphia Phillies 2082-Current
Record 4534-4056 (.528)
Division Titles (13, '88-'89, '91, '05, '15-'17, '26, '28-'29, '31-'33)
Playoff Appearances (23, '87-'91, '96, '98, '01-'03, '05, '10, '15-'18, '26, '28-'33)
NL Championship (5, 2089, 2096, 2131-33)
World Championship (2, 2131, 2133)

2018 FCM Fantasy Football League Winner
2019 FCM Fantasy Football 3rd Place Winner
2020 FCM Fantasy Football Guillotine League Winner
Attached link to all my data if anyone would like to double check me on theirs for accuracy.

I'll keep it and maybe update things in another 10 seasons.

Attached Files
.xlsx   Total Records Since '81.xlsx (Size: 49.43 KB / Downloads: 7)
Philadelphia Phillies 2082-Current
Record 4534-4056 (.528)
Division Titles (13, '88-'89, '91, '05, '15-'17, '26, '28-'29, '31-'33)
Playoff Appearances (23, '87-'91, '96, '98, '01-'03, '05, '10, '15-'18, '26, '28-'33)
NL Championship (5, 2089, 2096, 2131-33)
World Championship (2, 2131, 2133)

2018 FCM Fantasy Football League Winner
2019 FCM Fantasy Football 3rd Place Winner
2020 FCM Fantasy Football Guillotine League Winner
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