I would like it if Jordan could change my vote to "I'm going to quit". It's not because of expansion, it's because this decision was made over stepping the entire GM core. We have a right to have a say in a subject of this importance, and it's been stripped right from us. I personally believe if you want to run a successful league, you must do what is in the best interest of the GMs. The fact that you have taken this into your own hands makes me feel like I have no say in what happens in the league, even though I'm and active and great support of it. This is not fair to me, or to any of the GMs , whether they like expansion or not. You cannot just make a new rule like this and implement it without the approval of the GMs. This league has been great with the motto of democracy and the last few days that motto has been challenged. Scotty, I love you dude, and I don't want you to turn into a nazi commish like that go over there in TTM. Please reconsider, I am begging you. I don't want to leave, but I will stand by my word and what I believe is right. This certainly isn't the right thing to do.