05-15-2012, 03:46 AM
I think these should stronlgy be considered and given much more attention than what they received. To add another suggestion in here similar to the veteran suggestion.
I think that anyone that was signed via FA making under 1mil should able to be re-signed using the 1.33 method. As it right now bench guys are asking like 3mil or more to re-signed. Which is crazy talk. They won`t ever get near that in FA anyway so why not take a small raise and stay with the same team rather than hit FA every year and worry if you will even get signed the next season? Take SS Omar Armenta for example. I put an offer on him every FA period so I can have an emergency defensive utility man. His bat sucks and I dont think he has never had an in game contract reach over a mil (the transactions page is messed up I assume due to eiditng the contract after signing him`) yet this guy wanted 3mil per year to re-sign. Obvioulsy he got released as even if I don`t win back and have him on my team a 9th straight year he won`t be making much more elsewhere.
I think that anyone that was signed via FA making under 1mil should able to be re-signed using the 1.33 method. As it right now bench guys are asking like 3mil or more to re-signed. Which is crazy talk. They won`t ever get near that in FA anyway so why not take a small raise and stay with the same team rather than hit FA every year and worry if you will even get signed the next season? Take SS Omar Armenta for example. I put an offer on him every FA period so I can have an emergency defensive utility man. His bat sucks and I dont think he has never had an in game contract reach over a mil (the transactions page is messed up I assume due to eiditng the contract after signing him`) yet this guy wanted 3mil per year to re-sign. Obvioulsy he got released as even if I don`t win back and have him on my team a 9th straight year he won`t be making much more elsewhere.