09-05-2011, 07:44 PM
Well, i'm tired of hearing this deal makes you better. In my opinion, Cobb sucks. Even with 91 contact, his horrible eye rating will never allow him to hit 300 in this league, he has no arm and no range defensively.. you could acquire a guy like this for a small cash amount or AT WORST a 3rd rounder..The LF COULD be ok, but trading most of your draft and the other spects is SEVERE overpayment. Its been stated several times how this trade could hurt the league, in particular Tex many times already. I'm sorry you think Trade mods are stupid but they are absolutely necessary.. as stated, it happens all the time where a new GM comes in, makes 2 or 3 bad trades and leaves them crippled or with just flat out dumb trades.. and posting it in the chat room is about as flawed as it comes my friend, posting in the chat will stay there for what, a few min before it gets lost in chatter.. you should have posted it on the board for everyone to clearly see.. not to be a dick, but you can argue your point all day long with me and you wont get an approval from me...maybe you can convince the other mods, but wont happen here..