05-28-2011, 01:58 PM
I hate this one
1. Teams can keep 3 out of every 5 players rated 90+ overall that are Free Agent eligible
2. Ratings will be determined by the World Series file
3. If a player who is signed in-season becomes a 90+ rating by the end of the season, he will count towards being 1 of the 3 retained 90+ rated players
4. If a player qualifies for fallback arbitration, the team can offer it to them
5. If a team allows 3+ players to test the market, they will be credited to keep additional players during the next cycle
i.e. If COL allows 3 90+ players to go to FA, COL will be able to sign 4 90+ players during the next cycle
It was in another league I was in, and it was stupid as hell, if I want to overpay to keep players I should be able to.
1. Teams can keep 3 out of every 5 players rated 90+ overall that are Free Agent eligible
2. Ratings will be determined by the World Series file
3. If a player who is signed in-season becomes a 90+ rating by the end of the season, he will count towards being 1 of the 3 retained 90+ rated players
4. If a player qualifies for fallback arbitration, the team can offer it to them
5. If a team allows 3+ players to test the market, they will be credited to keep additional players during the next cycle
i.e. If COL allows 3 90+ players to go to FA, COL will be able to sign 4 90+ players during the next cycle
It was in another league I was in, and it was stupid as hell, if I want to overpay to keep players I should be able to.