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Top 5 Annoying GM's
*I love all of you guys, and this is just meant as a joke. Don't take offense if you end up on the list.*

Well, I said I was going to write some articles, so here's number one: The 5 Most Annoying GM's in FCM. It was a tough task considering I can only choose 5 GM's for this distinguished list. I would probably place myself rather high on this list, but since I am biased, I will leave myself off of the list. First I would like to acknowledge a couple honorable mentions - matty and piazza. Congratulations! Let's get started!

Number 5 - jhc

JHC is one of my best buds in FCM. I think my first ever trade in FCM was with him when I took Droobs from him with Tyrease Davis for some relief pitcher. Then, when I traded Droobs and Davis for a boat load of specs, I realized JHC was more than another GM in the league, he was my friend. He willingly gave me a head start on rebuilding and for that I am forever grateful.
But that is not the reason why he makes the list. JHC, with his roommates who he claims are "hot women," likes to log on to FCM rather... intoxicated. Who doesn't love to log on to FCM and see some profanities in capital letters directed at people who we don't know. He even sometimes yells at us without us knowing! For instance, I did not know some of the GM's in this league had names like DPee, Skeet, HockeySucks, Gayrod, etc. Anyway, we all love JHC and hope that he remains hammered for the time being.

Number 4 - chris

Well, I've never ripped chris off in a trade (yet), so I do not have anything to say about him.
Just kidding, I think everyone knows why Chris is on the list: his interesting choice of conversation topics. Instead of screaming profanities on XAT like JHC (although Chris does utilize this tactic), Chris prefers to talk about more gross things. Like the color of his fecal matter on that particular morning, or the size of the booger he picked out of his nose and proceeded to taste. Although some find this humorous, others find it nasty, and wish that he would keep that information to himself.

Number 3 - bh

You know why you are on this list. Don't talk trash about Drexel and you won't end up here again. Enough said.

Number 2 - arod

Arod, Arod, Arod... where do we begin? Is it the trades that get vetoed because the admins think you are on crack? Is it the constant "I don't think he will play well in Camden Yards?" Or is it the other questions that leave others GM's shaking their head as they look at their computer monitors?
Actually, it is none of the above. Arod- the worst thing that you can do to a fellow GM is to get in significant trade talks, and then say "Sorry I GTG I'll PM you." Stunned, I sit in shock at my computer as I think about the progress, or lack thereof, that I made on acquiring a piece for my turnaround Phillies. I was ready to pull the trigger on a deal, but as you decided to leave out of nowhere, I became too angry to make the deal. Don't do that to GM's man, that's just cruel. C'mon man.

And finally...

Number 1 - hb

HB is probably my favorite GM in the league, you know I love you man. We talk about fun engineering topics like CAD and stuff, and we both enjoy college basketball. Oh wait... college basketball... Yeah that's why you're on the list.
"GUYS GUESS WHAT HAPPENED TODAY!?!!?" Everyone in FCM is like crap HB what happened!?!?!?
"I just realized my friend's mom's cousin's friend's daughter's boyfriend's dad is JOHN CALIPARI"
Really HB? Everything about your life revolved around UK Basketball. Shabazz is an idiot for choosing UCLA over UK, MKG is the 2nd best player in the nation, Anthony Davis's unibrow is attractive, etc. HB - just because you are from Kentucky doesn't mean you have to like Kentucky basketball. Heck, I'm from PA, all of my friends go to Penn State, and I think the place sucks. Same deal. How can you like a program that produces so many one and dones that if next year's season started right now, Kentucky would be a sub .500 basketball team? Again, this calls for a "C'mon man." Here's my final thought. As other GM's have said, nobody cares about UK basketball.... except you. We don't need to know every time Coach Cal walks within 5 miles of you, or when Anthony Davis blocks a shot, or when UK gets stripped of their title (hehe). JHC *up top*

There you have it. I hope I did not offend anyone here. Again, this is just meant as a joke, and nothing personal is meant here. This is by far the best league I have ever been a part of, and I think it is due to the quality of GM's we have. Honestly, I love all of you guys, and thanks for staying with this league.
P.S. Go Drexel!
i love this except swap 1 and 2 you know you want to
Nyy gm
like it or not
2024-2030 braves gm
2031 as yankees gm
[Image: PiazzaBIG-100.gif]
revenge is sweet

[Image: 282drwn.jpg]
Lol, can't forget about ol DREXEL and their ncaa tourny appearance.... oh, wait..
Nyy GM 2024 - 2030
Atl GM 2030 - 2033
Quite frankly I'm offended that I'm not on the list.
Noel was the moron for choosing UK. Grow a pair of nuts of make a decision for you self not based on what the rest of your basketball team or friends thinks is cool. UK is not cool. Playing for Gtown would have made you a better player. Playing for Florida would have given you the same odds of winning a NC. Choosing UK was just pathetic.

Oakland A's
(18 seasons)
4 AL West titles
2 ALDS Series appearance
1 WS appearance
(04-15-2012, 01:18 PM)Cdawg Wrote: Noel was the moron for choosing UK. Grow a pair of nuts of make a decision for you self not based on what the rest of your basketball team or friends thinks is cool. UK is not cool. Playing for Gtown would have made you a better player. Playing for Florida would have given you the same odds of winning a NC. Choosing UK was just pathetic.


Hate the best. National Champions

I'm sure John Thompson develops talent like Calipari does.

John Thompson Sr. actually recruited him for his son, which is illegal.

Don't hate him because he didn't go to Syracuse. Syracuse never had any shot.
I'm glad I was on vacation for this.
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