First Class Mogul
San Fran - Printable Version

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San Fran - mav3rek - 12-12-2010

Asdrubal Cabrera 96/96 SS 7 years 18.5 million, without a no trade clause, agreed to with Boras.

Welington castillo 89/89 C 4 yrs, 9 mil with ntc, offer 2 times, after that, 4 yrs 9.5 mil with ntc.

Chris Heisey 93/93 RF arby 1 yr 8.1 m (prev 6.2 * 1.3 = 8.1)

Thomas Neal arb..offer 10 mil, we win

Jeff Boulon P 88/88 arb...offer 6.6 we win

Alexander Torres 93/93 arb ...4.5mil, we win

J.P. Arencebia offer 1.5 arby, we win

Rich Harden, offer 1 year 5 mil, then offer 2 years 5.2 mil, then offer 3 years 5.2 mil, then offer 3 years 5.3 mil and he accepts

Chia-Jen Lo, arb, 2.7 mil, we win

Alex Romero -- Release
Joaquin Arias -- Release
Craig Hansen -- Release