• 1 Vote(s) - 5 Average
SFG Releases
Jason Richards 1B ($397,800)
Salvador Orta LF ($556,920)
Roscoe Marshall SS
Jason Bland 2B
Philip Smaridge 2B
Eric Valley RP
Felipe Hita SP
Florida GM: 2010 - 2032
Texas GM: 2033 - 2040
Florida GM: 2041 - 2103
Toronto GM: 2104 - ?
World Champion: Florida: 2015, 2027, 2053, 2059, 2062, 2064 Texas: 2037
NL Champion: 2014, 2015, 2020, 2027, 2030, 2037 2048, 2050, 2053, 2059, 2062, 2064
Best Season Record: 117-45 (2060)
2011 - 2032: 2263 - 1359 .625%
2033 - 2040: 617 - 679 .476%
2041 - 2103: 5156 - 4888 .513% 
2104 - ? 0-0 0% 

Total Record: 8036 - 6926 .537%
Best Pitcher Ever: Donovan Pace
Joe Dunn 1b 83,520
Jerry Young 3B 114,840
Peter Cornwell ss 292,320
Kent West SP 125,280


Minors releases
Mark Guzalak
Samuel Hiracheta
Ned Mirza
Rafael Terraboa
Jim Crowl 2b minors
Sfg 2037 Molloy Colosseum Built (69069 Seats)
2035-current (Started with rebuild)
2035 (59-103) 5th 1.77M Fans
2036 (67-95) 4th 1.76M Fans
2037 (56-106) 5th 1.90M Fans
2038 (78-84) 4th 2.45M Fans
2039 (64/98) 5th 2.34M Fans
Florida GM: 2010 - 2032
Texas GM: 2033 - 2040
Florida GM: 2041 - 2103
Toronto GM: 2104 - ?
World Champion: Florida: 2015, 2027, 2053, 2059, 2062, 2064 Texas: 2037
NL Champion: 2014, 2015, 2020, 2027, 2030, 2037 2048, 2050, 2053, 2059, 2062, 2064
Best Season Record: 117-45 (2060)
2011 - 2032: 2263 - 1359 .625%
2033 - 2040: 617 - 679 .476%
2041 - 2103: 5156 - 4888 .513% 
2104 - ? 0-0 0% 

Total Record: 8036 - 6926 .537%
Best Pitcher Ever: Donovan Pace
Aaron Mcdougald
Remy Kandrac
Gabriel Tepera
Colby Vincent
Steve Myers
Tom Oliver
Erik Edas
Montrez Johnson
Eric Auchtercoull
Clark Harris
Kenneth Dorton
Sfg 2037 Molloy Colosseum Built (69069 Seats)
2035-current (Started with rebuild)
2035 (59-103) 5th 1.77M Fans
2036 (67-95) 4th 1.76M Fans
2037 (56-106) 5th 1.90M Fans
2038 (78-84) 4th 2.45M Fans
2039 (64/98) 5th 2.34M Fans
Florida GM: 2010 - 2032
Texas GM: 2033 - 2040
Florida GM: 2041 - 2103
Toronto GM: 2104 - ?
World Champion: Florida: 2015, 2027, 2053, 2059, 2062, 2064 Texas: 2037
NL Champion: 2014, 2015, 2020, 2027, 2030, 2037 2048, 2050, 2053, 2059, 2062, 2064
Best Season Record: 117-45 (2060)
2011 - 2032: 2263 - 1359 .625%
2033 - 2040: 617 - 679 .476%
2041 - 2103: 5156 - 4888 .513% 
2104 - ? 0-0 0% 

Total Record: 8036 - 6926 .537%
Best Pitcher Ever: Donovan Pace
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