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Division Changes
Since theres been constant talks about expansion and what not I have another idea to spice things up. Switch the divisions up. Try and keep it realistic, but move teams to different divisions and what not, start new rivalries and what not. Ive seen a lot of leagues do this a few seasons in, to keep things feeling fresh. The only thing would be moving AL teams to the NL and NL teams to the AL. The whole DH would cause certain teams anger to move to a DH to without 1 and vice verse. So keeping teams in there league would be best, inless you add DH throughout the league. Which then would need its own vote. Im sure some tweaking and what not would be needed but some people may like this idea.
scared of the al east?!
I believe he is
NYY GM (2010-2017):
791-507 (.610)
4-time ALCS Champs
2014 World Series Champs
not at all. just stating something cause im sick of hearing of all the expansion talks. just simply offering an alternative.
I don't think that this would be a good idea at all. I understand what you're trying to do, but I just don't think that this would work.
Ya not a fan of moving anything. Simply because there is no need. If its not broken no need to fix it. Plus geographically it would have to make sense and I'm not sure how many teams could logically switch divisions anyway.
If it aint broke don't fix it. FCM is still "fresh" if it starts to get boring then I think we should change it up by doing this or expansion.

[Image: PittsburghPirates.jpg] GM  2010-2017:  572-724  .441 W%
        Best Year: 2015: 86-76 (3rd NL Cent)
Yankees GM: 2019-2022ish
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