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:SEA: sends:

Dave Brubaker Of 82/97 minimum
Albert Rangel SP 89 5.5M
Vinnie Ackerman SP 69/86 minimum
Travis Sheen OF 87 1.7M
Edgar Azebedo SS 79/84 minimum
Nicholas Hagadone SP minimum

:SFG: sends:

Edgar Vaio SP 89 8.4M
Alexander Torres SP 91 13M

We accept. Talk about putting all the eggs in this basket, but I don't see anyone beating Conyers, Vaio, Roberts and Torres... With Hellickson to boot.
:min2: GM
I accept
approve pending torres's NTC and acceptance by SFG
you forgot Hagadone's 81 overall.


We worked this out on Thursday and then I had a full 24 hours until he posted it and I had time to rethink this deal. I realized that I screwed up by making this deal and would not do it now.

However, I am a man of my word and I told Scotty I would do the trade so I will stand by my original decision even though I screwed myself....

So I accept.

I dump a bunch of salary and get some nice prospects back to help set me up to replenish my team in the near future. Brubaker is going to be a nice pickup/insurance policy for injuries this year and will be a starter for me next year. Sheen is a backup for this year also, and probably trade bait. Rangel replaces Torres since I already got Tsubaki to replace Vaio. A few decent spects in the deal helps replenish the farm system after the Tsubaki trade.
not a fan of this deal, but approve
Hard to approve a deal that one GM seems to have an issue with. I'm going to veto with a question...

Mavrek, were you trying to get a hold of Seattle to cancel or rework this deal in the 24 hours? This situation seems like a communication breakdown that would not happen in real life. If so, I don't think this deal should go through period.

Not to mention I think the talent level here is way off from a fair deal.
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