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2100 Nokes Draft Grades
01. Nym CF Brian Fulmer
What He Does Well: He makes good contact, has nice straight line speed, and elite defense.

Why He Sucks: He obviously has no power (doubles and triples may even be an issue for him), low walks, and non-elite steals.

Bottom Line: If he gets to elite (upper 90s) contact, he could be really good. Otherwise, I think he'll simply be a solid player and not a game changer. Unless he's hitting well over .300, it doesn't appear that he'll get on-base enough. His steals suggest he'll be ~25 SB guy, rather than a 50+ SB guy like his speed would indicate.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

02. Kcr SP Alan Bullivant
What He Does Well: He'll have good control, solid power, and a solid repertoire.

Why He Sucks: His movement trails rather far behind his control and he's shown high HRs each year.

Bottom Line: I get the sense of Brant King, baby. Not a terrible pitcher, but his control sells him higher than what he really is. His movement is just too far behind his control for me to believe he has legitimate Ace potential. Oh no, no, no.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

03. Chc CF Kerry Garrison
What He Does Well: He makes good contact, has nice straight line speed, and elite defense.

Why He Sucks: Despite a 5 HR showing, he's got poor power and he also doesn't draw walks. Plus his name is "Kerry."

Bottom Line: It felt like I just typed the same thing for Fulmer. He's another solid, but not a game changer, CF.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

04. Hou 1B Reggie Courson
What He Does Well: He's a lefty bat who'll draw an insane amount of walks and have good power.

Why He Sucks: While his contact will get above 70, he may have trouble seeing it progress much more than ~75. His defense will be mediocre.

Bottom Line: His eye is pretty much capped with the sanity checks, so it'll be interesting to see how his other skills develop. With the Vroom Race, I like the bold move to go after a potential #3 or #4 hitter early. And...boom goes the dynamite.

Grade: [Image: 4-Stars.png]

05. Ari RF Lee Strouse
What He Does Well: Power, Walks, Defense, Health

Why He Sucks: He's not faster? (Which isn't always a bad thing, if ya know what I mean...mmm)

Bottom Line: Aside from speed or maybe top notch contact, he checks all the boxes you want to see. He has the real potential to have all three 90's offensive vitals, will be great defensively, and he'll do all that with having great health as an added bonus.

Grade: [Image: 5-Stars.png]

06. Sea SP Eduardo Corparan
What He Does Well: He has a great control/movement build with a nice GB%.

Why He Sucks: Low power and limited upside.

Bottom Line: The build is easy to like. I do question if he has enough time to develop into a pitcher worthy of a pick this high. I think he's 50/50 (and heavily reliant on having seeing a low peak drop) on becoming really good or just simply solid.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

07. Hou SP Lloyd O'Farrell
What He Does Well: He's very young (Gilly's type), has a nice repertoire, and a very good GB%. He also only dropped two points when he aged.

Why He Sucks: Fork in the road type of build.

Bottom Line: His build isn't bad, it's just one of those where Mogul could go a few different ways. He projects to have 90+ control and movement with ~80 power. If he gets there, he'll be a mighty fine pitcher.

Grade: [Image: 4-Stars.png]

08. Mon SP Randall Johnson
What He Does Well: Nice build and good stamina.

Why He Sucks: -4 aging drop and mixed bag home runs.

Bottom Line: He's not bad, but this is FAR too early to take him. His aging drop should have been enough of a red flag to pass on him this early. It suggests that he'll peak out at just 24. And the home runs? Yeah I'd be concerned with his FR and SO years, considering how advanced over the competition he was.

Grade: [Image: 2-Stars.png]

09. Phi 3B Zach Beake
What He Does Well: Good power and good eye.

Why He Sucks: The build has shown contact to be a problem and he has just mediocre defense.

Bottom Line: There's Warren Hide and there's Nelson Preciado. The problem is this build turns into Preciado FAR more often than it does Hide. Contact has been a huge drawback to this build. It's shown a good amount of solid power with a solid amount of walks, but pretty low batting averages hold it back from being anything more than just tepid.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

10. Phi SP Leon Samaniega
What He Does Well: He can strike people out and has good endurance.

Why He Sucks: Will his control be good enough?

Bottom Line: It mostly boils down to how his good his control will end up. I'd also be a little uneasy that his movement projects to peak behind his power. A good thing is that with being a power build, he does have a solid GB%. I think he's really a toss up.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

11. Sea RP Jason Wilson
What He Does Well: He has a great control, a very nice GB%, and a great generic Mogul name.

Why He Sucks: Low power and high home runs

Bottom Line: For as much as he does well, I would not discredit the low power (nor the higher home runs his final two years). Nicanor Marquez, Ric Gomez, and Reggie Tugby are great examples of what it takes to be a dominant Closer in FCM. They all had great power in their prime. I think Wilson will be a very reliable reliever, but without the strikeout ability, he won't be as dominant as what the pick is worth. I love acid!

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

12. Col RP Charles Lamb
What He Does Well: He has good power and a great floor

Why He Sucks: Higher home runs and a low GB%

Bottom Line: If you're gunning for a Closer, this is the guy to take. He'll have power that will approach 70 with solid enough control and good movement. The question will be if the home runs will be an issue. But with only dropping two points when he aged, I think there will be time to out grow them.

Grade: [Image: 4-Stars.png]

13. Fla SP Quentin McMillan
What He Does Well: He has a very nice control-movement combo and a nice GB%.

Why He Sucks: He has so-so endurance and low power.
Bottom Line: The low power might keep him from being dominant and I wouldn't overlook to 65 endurance. The endurance should get to the low 70s with usage set to Starter (you're welcome masc), but I could still hinder him from reaching 200 innings. Besides that, he's got the perfect build, GB%, and HR rate. He should do very well.

Grade: [Image: 4-Stars.png]

14. Sea 1B/DH Toby Burgess
What He Does Well: He will hit bombs and get on base.

Why He Sucks: Lower contact and limited defensively

Bottom Line: With corner outfielders picking up 1B, this could be a very quality bat. His power and ability to draw walks will not be a probably and you'd have to be pretty dense to think his contact will not get to 70+. He mighty even serve well enough vs LHPs. Even with his cuntiness, this is a good pick and a player that should have gone higher. In the race to get wheels and defense, don't sleep on a middle of the order bat. Because he will jacket.

Grade: [Image: 5-Stars.png]

15. Sfg SP Todd Reeson
What He Does Well: Solid power build without glaring home run problems.

Why He Sucks: Will his control be good?

Bottom Line: His control is less than stellar, but he is pretty young. For a power arm with a lower GB%, he surprisingly doesn't have a big home run issue. I tend to think he's another 50/50 guy. His age and potential are worth the pick.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

16. Stl SP Mike Lenz
What He Does Well: He has a nice opening control and power differential.

Why He Sucks: High home runs

Bottom Line: I think he could be in line for another STL pitcher who looks REALLY good and is just really alright. The home runs are something to worry about with being a 57 overall and having 55 movement. It's simply different than being a low 50s overall with low 50s movement (and a closer control to movement gap).

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

17. Pit SP Doug Whetzel
What He Does Well: He has good control.

Why He Sucks:His movement is far below his control.

Bottom Line: He projects 90s control and mid 80s movement. Not many pitchers survive that to be more than a Josh Tomlin style pitcher. Aside from one year, his home runs aren't bad, but mixed in with some middling OBA numbers (while being a tad advanced) and I don't see him as being much more than a bottom of the rotation starter. Now where's my pretzel?

Grade: [Image: 2-Stars.png]

18. Oak SP Peter Blackmore
What He Does Well: Good control-movement combo.

Why He Sucks: Home runs are a concern.

Bottom Line: Screw the home runs, the dude has a titillating build and has shown to suppress hits. We know he'll have one dominant pitch and should see a very pleasing mid 80s control with 90s movement build.

Grade: [Image: 4-Stars.png]

19. Kcr SP Tobias Younger
What He Does Well: Great opening build, great GB%, and low home runs

Why He Sucks: Low endurance

Bottom Line: So, he has about as beautiful of an opening build as you could hope for. He has a magnificent GB% and low home runs. How did he fall this far? Oh, right, he's a lefty. You all are goons.

Grade: [Image: 5-Stars.png]

20. Cin SP Darryl McCallister
What He Does Well: He has good power and a good GB%.

Why He Sucks: His control and movement are dead locked.

Bottom Line: Remember when I drafted Edmund Rivera? (Rocky does) ... McAllister feels similar. This is a guy who should end up with a sightly unorthodox build, but get results. As long as his control is decent enough, he'll have good power and very good movement.

Grade: [Image: 4-Stars.png]

21. Sdp SP Ben Soltanovich
What He Does Well: Very low home runs.

Why He Sucks: Middling endurance and repertoire.

Bottom Line: There's nothing overly amazing or bad about him. The endurance and repertoire are small knocks on him. The low home runs are great, but you have to keep it in perspective with a slightly advanced arm. He should wind up a reliable arm.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

22. Pit SP Harvey Lekosky
What He Does Well: He has good control and a good GB%.

Why He Sucks: He has limited upside.

Bottom Line: If he had more upside, he'd have gone top 10. He has the build that you look for. The problem is with only 16 upside, it's hard to trust him to become more than a mid-to-bottom of the rotation starter.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

23. Wsh RP Chile Telaro
What He Does Well: He has good control and a good GB rate.

Why He Sucks: His development path is a complete crap shoot.

Bottom Line: I liked him...for the second round. I think there's a chance that he becomes a very nice reliever. I think there's also the chance that his development goes completely against the grain and you have yourself a SR #2 on your hands. Not worth the risk at this point. He's spicy though (and some like it hot!).

Grade: [Image: 2-Stars.png]

24. Lad 3B Braden Moffett
What He Does Well: He's a lefty bat with good defense.

Why He Sucks: He has a very low eye.

Bottom Line: I actually like him. The eye looks odd, but it's a high-K eye, so it's not completely bad. Both his contact and power should get into the 80s and he should turn out a very likeable player at the hot corner.

Grade: [Image: 4-Stars.png]

25. Wsh RF Roger Wolf
What He Does Well: He has a nice blend of contact, power, and walks.

Why He Sucks: His defense is not inspiring.

Bottom Line: Some say FCM is good at drafting and then a guy like this falls to the mid 20s. He project upper 80s to 90s contact and power. While his eye will not generate a ton of walks, he'll have decent enough discipline. It's true that his defense isn't ideal, but if he's hitting ~.300 with an .850+ OPS, it'll be passable enough.

Grade: [Image: 4-Stars.png]

26. Sea DH/1B Mark Edwards
What He Does Well: He'll hit bombs and draw walks.

Why He Sucks: He'll probably have to DH.

Bottom Line: No, he's not the Fullback from 100 years ago. He's a solid a DH or 1B candidate who can hit for power and draw walks. Another guy who falls to far because of defensive limitations.

Grade: [Image: 4-Stars.png]

27. Ari SP Ian Kroll
What He Does Well: He has a nice opening build and a nice repertoire.

Why He Sucks: He's shown some high home runs and has a slightly low GB% for more of a control/movement build.

Bottom Line: I think he has about as good of an opening build as anyone in the draft. With that said, he doesn't possess the upside as some others and has shown some high home runs years. I'd say he's 50/50 on becoming very good or very average.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

28. Chc 1B Ian Davis
What He Does Well: He has power and can draw walks.

Why He Sucks: He has terrible contact.

Bottom Line: When you're a righty and have contact problems, you're not the 1B to take. There were just as questionable, shot in the dark 1B available in the 3rd round.

Grade: [Image: 1-Star.png]

29. Fla LF Wayne Robertson
What He Does Well: He's a lefty and just 16.

Why He Sucks: There's nothing inspiring about his build.

Bottom Line: While it's a complete guess as to how he'll develop, there's a lot to like in the fact that he's just 16 (though he might be too young for Gilly's liking). Jacob Senter, similarly looked pretty mediocre, but with extreme youth can come a high reward.

Grade: [Image: 3-Stars.png]

30. Phi SP Ron MacMurdo
What He Does Well: He has good power and great endurance

Why He Sucks: He's allowed a pretty damn big amount of ding dongs.

Bottom Line: He's gonna get MacMurdered.

Grade: [Image: 1-Star.png]

Cleveland Record5463-4790 (.533) [2054-2071, 2083-2104, 2110-2133]
AL Post: 15 (ALC), 11 (WC) - ALDS Win: 11 - ALCS Champ: 6 - WS Champ: 3

ALW: Mariners + Angels Record: 1072-864 (.554) [2042-2048, 2105-2110]
AL Post: 3 (ALW), 4 (WC) - ALDS Win: 3 - ALCS Champ: 1 - WS Champ: 1

NLW: Rockies + Padres Record: 3230-2753 (.540) [2017-2042, 2072-2082]
NL Post: 18 (NLW), 4 (WC) - NLDS Win: 7 - NLCS Champ: 4 - WS Champ: 0
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