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CIN/OAK - Printable Version

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CIN/OAK - jps93 - 05-14-2011

:CIN: receives:

2B Humberto Curione 54/84 16 $pennies
RP Dave Horst 78/82 24 $pennies

:OAK: receives:

1B/3B Stew Gilcrest 80/90 26 $520k Arb '20

accept. I wasn't high on Gilcrest and I build with more pitching and a brighter offensive future.

RE: CIN/OAK - Cdawg - 05-14-2011

Agree, He may not be the best 3B but he'll get me through the day for 2-3 more seasons while he's under my control. He' brings an offensive bat that I just don't have and would have to buy in FA in 2-3 years anyway.

Curione was expendable w/ 3 other 2B's in front of him and a potential 4th in Highsmith. Horst is sorta difficult to lose as he's my only control/movement RP as opposed to a Power/movement pitchers I have in Roberts Dugas and Martin, but he's still expendable in a way w/ plenty more RP coming up.

RE: CIN/OAK - danpac47 - 05-14-2011


RE: CIN/OAK - Atlbravesfan27 - 05-15-2011


RE: CIN/OAK - hokeyrules - 05-15-2011
