First Class Mogul
NYY - Printable Version

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NYY - ezpkns34 - 12-11-2010

C James Skelton - $3.2M
C Ryan Babineau $1.5M
C Adam Moore - $1.8M
OF Brian Bbogusevic - $1.7M
CF Mark Olesen - $1.9M
C Francisco Cervelli - $500k
SP Blake Beavan - $8M
SP Jeremy Hellickson - $4.1M
2B Josh Moloney - Release

RF Michael Saunders - Should be up for arby, but is treated like he goes to FA. The new Massive Rules post says he'll be signed to a 1 year arby deal worth 1.3*what he made this past season. 1.3*5.8M = $7.54M

Free Agents:
LF Adam Dunn - Fallback Accepted
SP CC Sabathia - Fallback Accepted
SP Clay Buchholz - Fallback Accepted
SP Tim Lincecum - 7 yrs @ $29M w/ NTC (