First Class Mogul
CIN/KC - Printable Version

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CIN/KC - jps93 - 11-30-2010

:CIN: receives:

SP Brad Holt 77

:KCR: receives:

RP Greg Champion 53/78

accept. holt is a friend of a player.

RE: CIN/KC - mike - 11-30-2010

:KCR: accepts. Have two other pitchers just like him and I had my eye on this spec in th elater rounds this year. He likley won't be effective but figured I'd take the risk when I'm not trading much.

RE: CIN/KC - hokeyrules - 11-30-2010


RE: CIN/KC - dejota - 11-30-2010


RE: CIN/KC - ezpkns34 - 11-30-2010

Approve (no mods on at the deadline)

RE: CIN/KC - dejota - 11-30-2010
