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Daily Sims - Printable Version

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Daily Sims - AndyP - 06-12-2012

It came up in XAT so worth talking about.

I HATE the daily sims - it trivializes the most important part of the season. If the daily pace made sense we'd just do it all season, but for some reason we choose to do it for the last four sims.

Most posters on the mogul forums that play online prefer 2 sims a week from what I read. We already do three and then we hit fast-forward during the playoff races and the actual playoffs.

Enough of letting a few squeaky wheels dominate the discussion, I've attached a poll. The set schedule can easily be adjusted to doing away with this nonsense.

RE: Daily Sims - mattynokes - 06-13-2012

Hate 'em. Personally, I think people have two options:

1. Learn to be more patient. It's gonna be what 3-5 days longer?
2. Get better at Mogul and maybe your team will be relevant at the end of the season.

Oh, and I guess if someone is out of the race, they could occupy their Mogul time by getting involved in waiver deals.

RE: Daily Sims - AndyP - 06-13-2012

I'd also add that if we do this we could adjust the sim schedule to add two sims down the stretch. The problem with 15 day sims is one injury to an ace or a key hitter 2 days in ends up screwing your team for 13 games. In a tight race (like the one we have now) a few games can make all the difference. If we switched to 10 day sims down the stretch we could do this instead with the set schedule:

Sim 1: Friday
Sim 2: Sunday
Sim 3: Tuesday
Sim 4: Friday
Draft: Sunday
Sim 5: Tuesday
Sim 6: Friday
Sim 7: Sunday
Sim 8: Tuesday (to deadline)
Sim 9: Friday (10 days)
Sim 10: Sunday (10 days)
Sim 11: Tuesday (10 days)
Sim 12: Friday (10 days)
Sim 13: Sunday (10 days)
Sim 14: Tuesday (10 days) - with the possibility of a live sim if the races are really close like this year
Playoffs - just like our current model, flexible based on simmer availability.
Same offseason plan - this allows us to really appreciate a season like this. No reason to rush through all the drama and fun of something like this because of a few loud malcontents. We're here to control and manage our teams, lets take a little more control when it counts most down the stretch.

RE: Daily Sims - mattynokes - 06-13-2012

Also, it'd be nice to add a 13th sim so that teams in the race can make more changes down the stretch. It's incredible that currently the final sim (#12) is the longest sim of the year (19 days). We've seen a number times where a team's, solid five game lead vanishes over the long final sim. It's possible with shorter sims that we could see more intriguing finishes.

Sim #11: September 1 to September 13 (12 Days)
Sim #12: September 13 to September 24 (11 Days)
Sim #13: September 24 to October 5 (11 Days)

RE: Daily Sims - Peter - 06-13-2012

i thought we were going to have a live final sim, which would solve that problem

RE: Daily Sims - AndyP - 06-13-2012

Or we can just have the majority say we're rid of this nonsense and it can go away.

RE: Daily Sims - piazza31 - 06-13-2012

Unless its overwhelmingly majority than why get rid of them if nearly half the league wouldn't want it (goes for all rules)

RE: Daily Sims - AndyP - 06-13-2012

Because we didn't start this with an overwhelming majority. We started it with no league input because a select few GMs went crying to DJ loud enough to start this. So we bypassed discussion already.

Basically this poll shows whether we should have started it at all. We can undo a wrong motivated by selfishness.

RE: Daily Sims - GoIrish - 06-14-2012

I think 3 sims a week are the most ideal for me, when we get to the end of the season, things just seem a bit too rushed.

I can also see and understand the other side of it as well, I understand that is probably the most important part of the season but outside of setting your lineup, there is not much else that needs addressing since player acquisition (trades) are out of the equation and waiver moves are rarely done in all honesty.

I voted for option 2 because I would prefer to take my time and not feel rushed during the end of the season.


RE: Daily Sims - Cdawg - 06-14-2012

For exactly the reason that sean gave is the reasons why I said keep it. I'm not against adding a 13 and breaking up that last 19 day sim into a 10 and 9 but in all honesty there is no real reason to "slow it down" aside from you guys feeling rushed while the others call it dragging out.
Yes I'm not going to be in any playoff race for years if at all, but even when I was during the early '20's I personally still wanted to get this part of the season over b/c it's just boring.