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FLA-CHC - Printable Version

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RE: FLA-CHC - AndyP - 10-14-2011

This post is going to be long and probably a bit crass...but this deal pisses me off on a number of levels. Really, really pisses me off.

First - to my fellow trade mods (other than Stang) - you need to do your fucking job. Handing out blank approvals because it was in "good faith" is weak. Infuriatingly weak. I don't care how many other leagues Jason is known in - he is a new GM here and as such his deals deserve more scrutiny. This deal has significant problems that deserve at least questions of clarification. Instead people want to pass the buck and once again I have to be the bad guy. Do your job or ask the league to have someone else do it. Just because the Cubs are a superpower in the league doesn't excuse allowing a bad deal. We have teams like Philadelphia as a result of that kind of weak approach to trade moderation and personally, I'm getting mighty sick of having to have the new GMs think I'm the world's biggest asshole because no one else will say what needs to be said.

Second - Jason, I appreciate you taking the time to further explain your reasons, but your answers leave more questions. Fowler isn't going to be on your team for a few more years because he's basically within a few months of being a backup player. You want to see what's in store for him within the next year? Take a look at Adeinny Hechavarria on the Blue Jays - that's what he'll be in no time. Your evaluation of both Attaway's tenure with you and Fowler's value imply a severe misunderstanding of our file's career paths. Attaway will probably give you closer to half of that 15 years and you'll be lucky if Fowler is still starting caliber by August.

Why, with my offer or the other you received, did you not further negotiate? Why not ask for Castilla or another pitcher from me? Why just go with this deal with seemingly no negotations? It sounds like you did very little to encourage any negotiations and seek out the best possible deal. Again, something that disturbs me in how a new GM approaches a deal. If you had been here for a season or two I probably wouldn't question the talent here - but the talent being exchanged indicates to me a lack of depth in your understanding about this particular file.

Third - Hokey. I can't believe you actually tried to argue that the stipulation is ok because you're a small market. So small markets can now basically con agents into giving them "get out of contracts free" clauses? I mean fuck, anytime you want out of his contract you just have to put him in long-relief and wipe it off your books free of charge? Jesus titty-fucking christ that's ridiculous!

This entire deal strikes me as manipulative. You're the same GM and admin who just a season or two ago basically tried to bribe someone to take bad their bid on Delgado so you could have him at a cheaper price. Now, you're conning agents into ridiculous stipulations. And what really bothers me about is that because of the degree to which I respect your knowledge level I KNOW that you understand what a hose-job you're pulling here. Not only are you dealing the new Greg Mainwaring (a pitcher with poor peripherals who will never be as good as his rating suggests) for an elite offensive player - you also managed to take the new GM to the woodshed by taking his ace in exchange for a guy that you wouldn't get much of anything for on the trade market! And then (yeah, we ain't done yet!) you got an agent to negotiate a deal that is so ludicrious and "sweetheart" doesn't even begin to describe all that's wrong with it.

What - was ripping off the new guy not enough?

I'm beyond irked and disappointed. This deal pretty much exhausts me to think about and even more than that, I'm about 95% sure it'll pass. Then I'll have some real decisions to make, but on this topic I'll lay it real flat: One big f'n Veto.

RE: FLA-CHC - Atlbravesfan27 - 10-14-2011

i'm not quite as mad as andy here, but no way, no how does this trade go through with the stipulation.. as far as new gm's, they all have a season or so of a learning curve to adjust to the league.. it happens.. not everyone can just come in and pick up what the value and longevity of players are. it varies in every league.. with that said, for me, the swapping of players are fine, this wouldnt even be debateable in my opinion without the stupid stipulation... as i said before, its a veto from me with the stipulation..approve without it

RE: FLA-CHC - hokeyrules - 10-14-2011

Andy really? if I put him in LR it does nothing, it clearly says he has to be injured which causes him to fall out of my rotation, meaning if he goes from 88 overall or something then gets injured to 69 overall, I don't have to pay his contract, which would be stupid on my part.

Anyways if everyone is going to bitch about it I will take the stipulation out, so Andy you still don't get the player you are attempting to veto the trade for.

Oh and just because Attaway doesn't interest you, doesn't mean hes not good, hes still 96/98, and more valuable than most of your players on your team including Castilla (who is far worse imo).

And really if you want to flame me, go ahead, at this point I don't really care, cause I have never had a problem with you, but clearly you have a giant one with me, apparently being a gm in this league and being an admin.

I have some other things to say, but I will bite my tongue.

Have a nice day.

RE: FLA-CHC - Atlbravesfan27 - 10-14-2011

Seriously, the bitching and crying around here needs to stop. For godsakes, put in a new tampon and have fun in this league..that's what its meant seems like a new bitch slap fest takes place every week.. I understand not everyone is going to be happy all the time, but the league has rules, play by them and stop bitching and try to change things all the damn time or take advantage of people or loop holes in rules.. honestly I'm sick of it...

With that being said, ill approve with the stipulation taken out...

RE: FLA-CHC - dejota - 10-14-2011

This will go through WITHOUT the stipulation since technically the agent is allowed to negotiate ANYTHING he sees fit and I don't think (although I leave room to be corrected) mods will veto if it's just a trade and extension. Agents are human and will make mistakes (I believe this is 2 in 14 seasons), mods will not always be as strict or lenient as we'd prefer and sometimes GMs will act unrealistically. The one thing all three have in common is they're ultimately subjective.

We have got to stop hating and flaming each other, period, especially over things that have no ultimate right or wrong. Otherwise FCM will fall apart. If you can't debate or reply without it being personal or including cheap shots don't post it if for no other reason than you care about FCM. If the hate continues and I'm forced to take action it's already too late.

RE: FLA-CHC - dejota - 10-14-2011
